Formal School Education

In villages the people are rich or poor the parents can send their children to Government school there is no choices to select medium or school. Few parents send their children for other near cities like boarding school for better education. The children who belong to poor back ground were unable to study English medium at Vilandai/Andimadam and nearby villages. Interested parents can send their children to go by bus or cycle for kilometers to reach English medium school at nearby towns. Founder thought to initiate on English medium school for poor, single parent child, who lost their parents with minimal cost or free of cost for their school education. This idea is provoking in his mind at the same time Periyakrishnapuram village people approached READ founder and asked to build a Primary School in English medium for their children. Previously these village children studied at Govt School in Tamil medium. For people desires the school started in noble mother name of Annai Theresa Nursery and Primary school on 1997 with 2 teachers and 9 students with minimal facilities. After 11 years for the same school is changed in new building on 22.12.2008 with the support of Sahaya International founder Dr. Koen Van Rompay, USA. This new building have additional infrastructure of ground and first floor with availability of computer lab and internet facility. This school is very beneficial for the nearby other villages children.
READ founder thought the same way it is important need at Vilandai and Andimadam village children to get opportunity to study English medium school with minimal fees or free of cost for their school education. He started a second school in the name of Jawahar Nursery and Primary School, it established on 01 August 2003 and the head of the school lead by the founder of READ with basic requirements ,infra-structure and teaching staff of the school. After 6 years on 09 January 2010 new building setting up and inaugurated with the support of Sahaya International founder Dr. Koen Van Rompay USA. This school have good infra-structure and other resources at optimum level.
Government of India declared the act *RTE Right of Children to free and compulsory Education Act ,2009 and Tamilnadu Right of Children to free and compulsory Education Rules, 2011. Under this scheme 60 seats allotted the limit of admission out of this 15 seats are reserved for fully free of school education at READ schools.
- Provide quality education through English medium at minimal fee/or free of cost to the eligible village children.
Primary 3 to 5 years
- Initiated for the village people who are the parents unable to send English medium school.
- Educate the unsupported, very poor and single parent children can study in English medium without fees or sponsorships.
- Provide good education through English medium with minimal fees of any child without discrimination.
- Assess the health status of the children every month to identify the early detection of health issues by the school health nurse.
- Guidance and counseling of the students and parents at regular period for appropriate progress of the child in learning activities.
*RTE (Right of Children to free and compulsory Education on 2011.
*Thomas more University (Belgium) Training students conducts special classes on English basic and Grammar with spoken English, basic and pure Science, Mathematics for 3 months.
*RISHI (Rural India Social and Health Improvement).
- Hygiene curriculum, Health education for 2 hours per week,
- Menstruation education (5th standard female children)
- Environment health and gardening financial literacy.
School children 6 to 10 years
- Instruct the rules and regulations of school to the new admitted students.
- Prescribed curriculum by Government is followed for teaching and learning activities.
- Integrate the computer science theory knowledge and practical sessions in computer lab intertwined.
- Encourage the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to the students.
- Given opportunity to explore the special talents of each child and motivate to reach higher level.
- Guidance and counseling of students and parents at regular sessions for appropriate progression of the child in learning activities.
- Provide health awareness programs to children and parents such topics of nutrition, personal hygiene, safety measures, prevention of accidents.
- Improve their arts and cultural talents through proper practice and exercises.
- Assess the health status of the children every month by the school health nurse.
- Encourage the athletics and tournaments of sports activities to participate in national level competitions.
- Follow the desirable attitudes and behaviors from interaction with National and International faculty.
- Develop the students to follow the rules and regulations which make them as responsible child and later being a good citizen of country.
- Promote the children healthy and hygienic through newly added a hygiene curriculum in syllabus.
- Diabetes
- Child safety and mental health
- Income generation
- Computer coding.
Join our mission to improve the child feature
Contact Us
1926 Sakthi Vinayagar Street Vilandai, Andimadam 621-801.