Vocational Skill-Training

Empowering the youth and disabled people with the skills to build a future
As part of its efforts to promote sustainable community development, READ offers a variety of skill-training programs to youth (especially girls who dropped out of school due to financial reasons) and disabled people. The following training programs are currently offered
India the top existing issue is unemployment for decades. The Government of India add
each Five years plan to create more new job opportunities for needed, but there is no end to
complete the requirements due to high population. This scenario, the founder thought to create an
opportunity for multi challenged children and women to develop new skills for employment for
their survival. Initiated the vocational training s at a roof of READ office building at 1994 with
a tailoring unit and later at 1997 added other units – making greeting cards, type writing,
computer training established. At 2008 constructed a new building named RCRC (Ground floor
and first floor)with the support of Japan Government fund. This new building operated as RCRC
and added new units such as book binding screen printing and the other units transferred to the
same building.
Over all aims
children,youngstersandwomen learning skills training for their occupation.
of women empowerment at rural India.
own and start a tailoring centre.
Specific objectives
1. Orientation about the tailoring program (syllabus, duration.)
2. Demonstrate the tailoring technique of basics with model dresses.
3. Examine the level of specialization of their skills at the end of 6 months.
4. Support their independent earnings – to get tailoring machine, order from
5. Imitate the same tailoring techniqueof basics with model dress.
6. Practicing the acts with increasing efficiency and confidence for repetition of
7. Performs automatically with more confidence to complete the work perfectly.
8. Adapt this skill for their own profession.
9. Create a new platform for their own improvement and achievement.
Greetings Card Making
Specific objectives
1. Orientation of the greetings card making.
2. Provide the raw materials to make cards.
3. Use a snowwhite card for greetings card making.
4. Choose a size of the card small, medium or big.
5. Cut a shape in rectangle from snow white card.
6. Draw a *picturein snow white card.
7. Punching the outline of picture with needle (no 9 needle size)
8. Use the different color threads for stitch to complete the*design.(no 12 needle
9. Focus the importance to specific of single or double stitch to differentiate the
figures in same picture.
10. Provide10 different models of designs to make greetings card is the task to finish
the training successfully.
11. Prepare each greeting card by own stitching skills forown business.
12. Collaborate with READ organization for earning money through part time job.
13. Export the greeting cards to other countries for regular income.
Foot notes
*Picture; Draw by pencil
*Design; Blue print (created)
examination for career development.
Specific objectives
1. Select the candidate who passed the minimum 8 th standard.
2. Demonstrate the use of equipment parts and special functions of type writing
3. Issue a certificate from Government of technical education.
4. Choose the syllabus either English or Tamil or both languages according to the
interest of the learners.
5. Practice the fingering in keyboard letters and keys for increase the speed of typing
6. Exercise for all characteristics of letters and keys in keyboard to finish the basics
of typing.
7. Increase the speed in 30 words /minute typing in both languages are eligible for
junior grade and 45 words / minute are eligible for senior grade*examination.
8. Completethe course successfully is eligible to clerical staff at private offices
without appearing examination.
Foot notes
*Fingering;is a term used for type writing – familiarizing the practice of typing
the speed of letters and keys.
*Examination; Government of technical education yearly two times the month of
August/February for both languages.
advancement in technological skills for their profession and who need to start
computer Centre for their career.
Specific objectives
1. Entry of the course at least 10th pass is eligible to enroll.
2. Choose the study of *course.
3. Make to aware the parts of computer and key board functions.
4. Integrate the theory and practical sessions in computer lab inter twined.
5. Practice the basics of MS-Word, MS-Excel, Power-pointprograms through more
numbers of exercises.
6. Experiment the knowledge and practical skills to connect internet, google search,
creating mail id, compose mail text and send and use of protecting / changing
7. Conduct model exam for theory and practical of basics programs to know their
eligibility to appear final examination.
8. Evaluate the final examinations performance by two teachers.
*Course; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months & 12 months.
Book Binding
Specific objectives
1. Introduce the binding unit to the learners.
2. Follow the steps of book binding procedure.
- Arrange 4 sections of full papers in each section 12 papers of 2 *reams bundle.
- Punch the papers – put 3 holes punching in middle of 4 sections.
- Keep it in pressing deviceat the same time.
- Stitch the 3 holes on the middle of 4 packs in combined after pressing.
- Cut and paste the brown paper at outer middle of the note book and keep it in
pressing device. - Sketch the same of the paper size of cardboard to cut and fix with notebook
combined and lastly stick with gum. - Paste the cloth in 2.5 inches in margin of outer cover of the notebook on next day
from the device. - Spread a printed wrapper pasted on cover page of front and back of notebook.
- Hide the cloth of 1.5cm from margin from outer side of notebook for beautifying.
- Open inside of notebook offirst and last page and apply a gum and spread the
same size white paper to stick to finish the final work. - Keep the note for weighing device for 12-24 hours for better outcome.
*Ream- 24 papers
Screen Printing
better as teamwork for successful career.
Specific objectives
- Use of computer settings to go play store and download App of Photoshop
CorelDraw graphic design. - Create a theme / printing matter first and take a printoutdesign from*film butter
sheet. - Fix a wood/iron frame inside the mesh cloth fitted with nails first.
- Mix GG coat and Bicromet well and make sure the consistency of solution to be
thin. - Paint this solution to mesh frame with same sequence pattern of painting and keep
it in dark room minimum 1 hour. - Use exposing table and top of the space,spread the printed film sheet.
- Stick on tape with 4 corners of the printed film sheet.
- Keep the mesh frame to touch thefilm sheet of bottom to completely cover the
mesh frame with thick cloth to make dark. - Pour the fine river sand 2 at incheslevel to completely cover the frame without
any space or hole. - Expose table bottom toswitch on5 tube lights(LED)at a time for 6-10 minutes (the
minutes depends on type and size of letters /pictures ) - Copy the theme or printing matter from film sheet to mesh cloth..
- Allow the film sheet to remain in expose table and take the mesh frame to use the
print purpose. - Allow the mesh frame to soak it in water tray for one or two minutes to cool
down. - Take out mesh frame from water tray and use water gun to sprayto open printed
letters clearly to the mesh frame (10-20 seconds)immediately. - Expose to sunlight for maximum five minutes for both sides of mesh frame to dry.
- Fix the dried mesh tray to tie with Gclamp on printing table tightly and ready for
theme /printing matters. - Pour the selected ink on top of the mesh frame to use the scrapper to wind up top
to bottom on same weaving pattern.
Printing ink it is used for at a time 10 clothes.
Finally stitch the print cloth.
Use paperprint only one paper at a time after that it should be dried at maximum 1
hour (depends on climate)
Foot notes
- Film – film butter sheet used for printing design / theme
- GG coating -Poly blue emulsion
- Bicromet – salt
- G clamp – Frame fitting

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1926 Sakthi Vinayagar Street Vilandai, Andimadam 621-801.