Anbagam Special School for Mentally Challenged(Intellectual Disability) Children- Andimadam


The children are very sensitive and soft in nature their expression of love, needs, and cry. There is need good understanding of expression of love, needs and cry through their facial expressions and body languages
If the child born with mentally, physically or multiple challenged it is the very difficult to accept the reality of the child condition immediately after, acceptance about the child they feel about bad burden to them as such child exceptional of few parents will care and protect them well.Most of the children they don’t wanted, they neglect in care and feed.
These children were lived at their home at same stage without any improvement of their mental health due to negligence they go for deteriorated stage and finally in fetal at very young age.
The founder thought the feeling of sorrow towards the challenged children to provide care, food home and train them vocationally for fittest survival of this society.
The homes are named Anbagamdepends on need there are day care and residential care for to the over the districts of Ariyalur, Perambalure, Cuddalore (Srimushnam).

SPECIAL SCHOOL – Residential (6 – 14 years) school:

1. Anbagam residential special school Andimadam was inaugurated by READ Selvam on June 10th 2000.
2. Anbagam residential special school perambalure was inaugurated by district collector
Mr. Rajesh lokkani I.A.S on March 15th 2002.
III SPECIAL SCHOOL – Day care – Ariyalur
Anbagam day care school Ariyalur was inaugurated by specially disabled Centre Pommi on December 2nd 2019.
Anbagam day care center, Srimushnam, Cuddalore district, inaugurated by READ Selvam on December 2nd 2019.
*Aims and objectives are same for Residential or Day care of 6-14 years.

Perform each task with self with or without support and completion of each successfully.
Use MDPS tool to assess the ability to category either moderate or severe category of MR.

1. Perform gross motor skills to do and achieve independently the Activities
(Step by step)
- Head hold on straight when sit and stand.
- When lying down with abdomen able to hold head straight in seconds.
- Crawling on floor.
- Able to stand with or without support.
- Able to take few steps.
- Able to take steps in upstairs with 2 feet’s with support of wall.
- Able to use alternate feet to upstairs to go up.
- Able to run.
- Walk without touching the feet to avoid dirty, water, decoration.
- Able to stand with fore feet support to take things in height.
- Able to walk for 15 minutes
- Carrying his own luggage’s by own.
- Riding cycle.
3. Initiate feeding with support and train them without support
(Gradually go for self)
- Able to swallow semi solid foods.
- Drink a glass of water with support and without spillage.
- Chewing and eating solid diet.
- Differentiate eatable and non-eatable.
- Able to self-feed of biscuits, chips.
- Able to spoon feed by own with spillage.
- Able to spoon feed by own without spillage.
- Behavior oriented without distracting others in public places.
- Self-feed of kanji, ice cream, payasam without spillage.
- Use of plate, bowl, spoon, glass without spillage of food.
- Wash his/her own plate after finishing meals.
- Serve food by own with adequate amount.
- Serve food to other plates.
- Identify the water source to drink water by own.
- Choose the favorite foods from menu and eat.
5. Adopt Grooming skills goals to do independent grooming skills
- Cooperating when bathing.
- Willingly adjusting body parts, head, hands and legs when bathing.
- Wiping hands with towel.
- Trying to hold the brush for mouth cleaning.
- Wash the hands with soap.
- Covering the mouth with cloth while cough, sneeze, yawning.
- Able to use paste with brush for mouth rinses.
- Combing hair by own.
- Bata by self.
- Wiping body with towel by own.
- Know to use talcum powder perfumes.
- Able to wash head and dry by own.
- Able to comb hair and decorate by own style.
- Able to cut the nails and clean by own.
- Clean the ear with cotton buds.
- Able to shave by own (him)/(he).
- Able to maintain menstrual hygiene during monthly cycle (she).
7. Develop language to respond appropriately (Receptive)Disability
- Turn the head towards sound.
- Spell the name of the child response through eyes, or words.
- Ask to look at me child response to eye contact.
- Obey commands.
- Doing things when asking to ‘stop’ or ‘don’t’ child respond immediately.
- Using ‘for me’ to give ball.
- Differentiating the sounds of clapping, ringing bell, keychain sound, whispering.
- Imitate laugh and anger accordingly understand and do the same of expected behavior.
- Identified the ball, bag, comb to ask them to show.
- Indicate body parts of name such as Nose, Eye, and Mouth.
- Obeying the commands ‘keep the ball in box.’
- Avoiding dangerous things.
- Ask to do two acts, following and doing such as take the ball, close the door.
- Following right and left.
- Ask to do 3 acts at a time such as stand up, open your book, and move the chair.
- Listened one page story and answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as response.
- Following announcement of radio, TV and also follow the instructions of bus stand, railway station and airport.
- Understand humor accordingly show the facial response (Home, School).
9. Social interaction balance the relationship with other through proper Interaction
- Willing to give hands who are touched or going away from him/her.
- Indicating neighbor or looking at him/her.
- Following a person act directly.
- Playing with toys/objects alone 2 minutes.
- Understanding and following the clap, bye bye.
- Indicating the friend/neighbor with names.
- Meet of other people, greets and welcome of them.
- Waiting for his own turn.
- Using the words of please, sorry.
- Getting permission to use other things.
- Justifying not allowing own things to use without permissions.
- Socialization with different people and groups.
- Participate social gatherings-party, picnic.
- Managing the feelings when he/she is tea sed or insulted.
- Communicate the messages to whom rightly through telephone.
- Sharing belongings to others.
- Leading a team and act as a leader.
- Meet people who are living nearby residence.
2. Complete fine motor skills to set the goals to do independent activities
(Simple to Complex)
- Able to hold the thing in one hand.
- Able to hold the things in two hands.
- Using thumb and index finger to pick the small objects.
- Build a tower with wood blocks or boxes.
- Using spoon to mix the sugar or salt.
- Able to insert the 3 beads into long thread.
- Able to open the box.
- Able to hold the glass of water without spillage.
- Able to put the key into locking and again open the lock to release.
- Able to pour water into other container without spillage.
- Know to use hairpin, pin, and clips.
- Able to cut the round shape from a paper.
- Able to crack the stick with matchbox to get fire.
- Able to insert the thread into needle with two attempts.
4. Establish dressing skills goals to do independent dressing ability
- Cooperating when dressing and removing.
- Supporting to insert the dress hands, legs while dress up.
- Able to remove undergarments.
- Able to remove socks, t-shirts.
- Able to open front zip.
- Able to wear blouse.
- Able to open hook, press button, shirt button.
- Able to wear kurta, baniyan, t-shirts.
- Put off tie, scarf, watch, hearing aid, jewels, spectacles by own.
- Choose the clothes depends on weather and climate by own.
- Select dress for his/her own size and trendy.
- Able to insert the rope into holes of the shoes.
- Match the pair of clothes such churidhar top and bottom with thuppatta, shirt and trousers/pant by his/her by own.
- Able to wear all the dresses and maintain the dress whole day.
6. Commit learning of toilet training by repeated task to achieve by own toileting.
- Able to control bladder 2 hours without urination.
- Able to sit 30 seconds at toilet seat.
- Able to remove off dress before using toilet.
- Remind to go toilet, he is not doing.
- Shows signal or say words to go toilet.
- Controlling bowel pattern when it is required to go up to toilet use.
- Wear dress after toileting by own.
- Remove dress before and wear after toileting.
- Going toilet by self.
- Only toilet urinating.
- Cleansing after use of toilet.
- Controlling bladder at night without urination.
- Close the door when using toileting.
- Voiding of urination or stools to have any problem and seeking help of others.
- Identifying toilet in new place.
- Wiping and drying hands after toileting.
- Identifying the toilet in public according to his/her own sex.
8. Communicate appropriately through learned language
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Contact Us
1926 Sakthi Vinayagar Street Vilandai, Andimadam 621-801.