+91 94431 47164 readselvam@gmail.com

Women Empowerment


  In villages, most of the males are bread winner of the family whether they are professional or coolly. Half of the females they were engaged their time for household work and remaining time they spend for chat, watching TV serials. The time and manpower not used for the improvement of their own family.

  Remaining half of females they are daily wages, servant maids, construction labors they earn little money and which is never adequate for food alone for their family.Women at villages are unable to run their family without adequate money due to poor income of husband and wife or husband may be drunker not given his earned money for family expenses.

  This pathetic situation women need to lead family with minimal money. No other way to get loan from financiers who is ready to give money with more interest, at a stage come to end, unable to give back money and interest to the money lender.Few women will go for stress and fear about uncertainty of life, they decide unbelievable decision to end up their beautiful life many of them faced same issue without solving.

  The founder of READ thought about the women status and need to improve for their life as well as country. The women self-help groups mainly focused on savings and credit method within the self-help groups. The year 2000 the READ founder initiated the female self-help group for more than 1000 groups formed and trained them for short term courses, skill training from available resources.

  READ organization given loan to start own business at smaller level for this scheme. The females who have struggles such as daily loan, education loan, bank interest, marriage loan, house loan in their life and the women who needs money for day to day life to solve their problems through micro finance.

  The same year 2000, the new five year plan the Government of India introduced a female self-help group and loan sanctioned by Govt approved bank. For this scheme any woman who need and solve money problem and same way other women form as a group to earn money and share equally after payment of nominal interest. This way they are continuously improving their economical and life status through micro finance.

  2006 to 2010 -HDFC Bank

  2009 to 2011 -SBI Bank

  2011 to 2014 -SHEPHERED

  2014 to Continued -ICICI Bank


  Unite the females as a group and create a job opportunity to depend on needs and desires of the team.

  Improve the economic status of each woman through proper independent contribution of work/ job.

  Support the women empowerment for continuous finance support of self-help group forfemales achieve the maximum job opportunity for women groups.

  Develop a women entrepreneurship in larger scale.


  1. Identify the women who are willing to balance the savings within the group and credit avail within the group.

  2. Collect as groups of women and create a name for each group.

  3. Arrange as a specified numbers as a group 12-20 members in each group.

  4. Select a group leader as president, secretary and treasurer of each group.

  5. Describe the role and responsibilities of group leaders and members.

  6. Encourage the group to select a desired work/profession for their earning.

  7. Select training program for their field of work/profession.

  8. Guide the group- budget plan, savings, and repayment on bank due, time management.

  9. Encourage and support the plan for their next advancement in professional growth of women entrepreneurship.

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1926 Sakthi Vinayagar Street Vilandai, Andimadam 621-801.




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